Thursday, 24 August 2017


 When u look around without the religious logs on your eyes, you’ll realize that half of the killings and wars around the world today are either caused by greed or religious teachings.
Don’t get me wrong cos I for one am a catholic and I believe in God, but I dislike a whole lot of religious teachings and i don't believe in those teachings.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

African Women Demand For The Best From Your Men!!

So I saw this annoying post asking if there are ladies of 20yrs who are still Virgins, now my question is... " do girls lose their virginity on their own? It's still the same stupid guys asking this rubbish that move around deceiving and having sex up and down with anything in skirts... 
Can we even find a boy of 15yrs that is still a Virgin?! ... Rubbish!! ....
As if keeping virginity is only for girls,...
This kind of thinking and mentality is what makes our grown up married men, think it's ok to go around and cheat, or to go around raping innocent girls, after they'll just blame the ladies... This just have to stop, enough is enough,....
Dear women
Please demand the same values u have from ur man, if are a good lady do not settle for anything less than  a gentleman that'll value and treat u right.
African women demand for the best from ur men, pls emulate the French and English women, they can't settle for less...
If u all unite and start demanding for the best from us men I bet u, we the men would Change for good....

Saturday, 1 October 2016

Naija @56, What Have We Achieved?

Naija @56, What Have We Achieved?

Our Flag Of Pride

Nigeria celebrates her Independence today. Today marks our 56th year of existence as a nation. One would think that at 56 a lot of improvements and changes would have been felt by her citizens in such a long time but the reverse has been the case.

Nigeria has struggled to live up to the hype of being the Giant of Africa

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Poverty Syndrome

Poverty Syndrome

An analysis on the Causes of Poverty Can anyone really define poverty? At least not more than a man who hardly gets a meal a day, at least not more than a child who puts on one set of clothes for a year, or a home of seven children in a room apartment or a constant meal of processed cassava soaked in water so as to multiply. The United nations have clearly stated that a man is said to be poor if he doesn't spend above two dollars a day, going by that poverty seems to be closer than it seems and that means almost one out of every five Nigerians are poor.

Poverty is indeed a chronic disease, it made a woman sell her baby for 20,000 Naira, it made a man order his wife to sleep with his boss so as to get a promotion in the office

When I First Found You

when i first found you

I was walking along a miniature farm land when my eyes marauded only to find a worthy jewel dressed in old tattered clothes, I was impulse to make the most out of you. When I first found you no one was interested in you. None had the slightest interest in you. None had the slightest hope in you.