Thursday, 29 September 2016

When I First Found You

when i first found you

I was walking along a miniature farm land when my eyes marauded only to find a worthy jewel dressed in old tattered clothes, I was impulse to make the most out of you. When I first found you no one was interested in you. None had the slightest interest in you. None had the slightest hope in you.
You were mauled in hardship and your palms were as hard as rock. I hopefully washed you and cleaned up the filth in you. I bathed you with perfumed soaps, scrubbed you with a stiff brush and put a lotion on your skin. I platted your hair with beautiful weaves and gave you deodorants to drive away your stink. I clothed you with well sewn attires and filled you with exotic juices. You drank expensive wines and slept on a King Size bed. You became beautiful, admirable and engaging.
Your shape was moulded to figure 8 and your lips became as succulent as fresh pumpkin.

Your hips moved inches higher and your breast were no longer like that of an 80year old. I gave you the best education around and when i realised your gifts in Music, i bought you tambourines, harps, guitars and pianos to sharpen you. You became a good singer, your voice becoming like that of fallen Lucifer. I then brought you to my kinsmen and by your consent I put a ring on your second finger to indicate that you had become mine. I gave you my name and another name that no one else beard. We had a daughter who took after you. You became famous because of your melodious songs, you were like a star that shined brightly amongst other stars. You became full of yourself and walked graciously like a cat.
You desecrated our matrimonial bed by giving yourself to promiscuous men, they fondled your breast and drank your juice which was exclusively mine. Even with all your adultery I never blinked, i stayed hopeful that you would realise your folly and turn from your evil ways. But you kept on in your vile deeds. You went as far as changing your name, the special name I branded you. You hurled insults on me. You shamed me before those who respected me. You forgot the help I gave you and how you were once a nobody. Somehow I was not disappointed by your actions because they say fame changes People, you only proved it right.
By Soibi Nemieboka.

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