Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Be Different, Let Them Laugh!!

Be Different, Let Them Laugh!!

Whenever I look around me all I see is people trying as hard as they can to blend in and that makes me sad.
Everyone is made different, why try really hard to change yourself and who you really are? It just doesn’t make sense to me.
When you look at the mirror do you see someone else staring back at you? Why then try as hard as possible to copy someone. You are made different so be different.
I walk the streets every day I see young kids trying so hard to blend with their peers, they drink alcohol because their peers says it’s the real deal, they smoke and chase after anything in skirt because that’s what their friends are into.
I pity them because if they know the potential they had, they wouldn’t be wasting it.

Yesterday I saw a group of boys harassing a young girl in my area, I rescued the young girl and after setting her on her way home, I called one the boys whom I knew and asked him, “Nedu, why are you doing this” the answer I got didn’t surprise me one bit. He said, “I don’t know, em em others are doing it”, I expected this answer but I was devastated still.
It pained me how hard this little boy before me is trying to blend. I told him that he doesn’t need to do what others are doing and after my long sermon had ended, I set him on his way home hoping that what I said to him had sunk in.

Be Different, Let Them Laugh!!

I have tried really hard these past years to go from school to school to lecture some of these kids, especially the ones In public school but their most of their teachers and school principals denies me access to to talk to them, claiming that the kids have their teachers.
Well no need saying that it isn’t enough.
Young people of my generation, it is with a heart filled with sadness and hope that PharoahSays this to you today, BE DIFFERENT.
You were made different and your qualities are different. Don’t copy your friend be better than he is, he will respect you later. Don’t try to blend with your peers try and be better than they are.
At school you might be bullied for being different, I know because I’ve been there too but hey PharoahSays “BE DIFFERENT”.
 I was laughed at by my fellow classmates, they said I don’t make sense when I talk, but I always thought “maybe I don’t make sense to you because you are not as smart as I am”. I kept going and sooner than later I began to get their respect.
Be different, now in the university I naturally hate beer and alcohols so whenever am out with friends, when they make their order of beers and hot wines I just order for soft drinks, pisses them off.
Sometimes I am given an ultimatum to either order for alcohol or pay for my drinks separately, sometimes am told to leave the table or to hide my drink that its “spoiling their table” lols. I do leave, or pay for my own drinks whenever I have to so far I still don’t take the alcohol.
Am still standing aren’t I? Will doing my own thing kill me, the answer is NO. We leaders of tomorrow have t learn to be who we really are no matter what.

Be Different, Let Them Laugh!!
I was watching this movie SHAMELESS when one of the characters Frank was called to his son’s school because he had bullied some kids, Frank said to those kids

“the only reasons why you were bullied was because you are all different and all you need to do is endure and learn from your experience because it will only make you better and probably some years from now, you’ll all be Engineers, Doctors etc. while my son who is bullying you now for being different, would probably end up packing the waste bin or selling stuffs at the grocery store or even in prison”.

Nothing can explain everything I’ve been trying to say better that Frank’s statement. Though it might not apply to all scenarios but it applies to most.
So for the record, up till today I’ve never been drunk in my whole life and I can’t be much happier. I might even do so later but then it'll be on my own terms not because of what others said or wants. 
Don’t do things because of what they said or what they’ll do to you, do it because that’s what you want.
So my dear readers, PharoahSays that its very ok and better To BE WHO YOU ARE….So BE DIFFERENT!

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