Monday, 25 September 2017

Dear African Elders, Respect Is Earned not “Dashed”

Dear African Elders, Respect Is Earned not “Dashed”

So here I was at this shop watching a football match, when I saw a young boy in the other shop doing some school work. I realized that this boy would probably be in his junior secondary, good old days I thought. This boy was small in stature, he won’t be able to touch the roof of the shop where he was, although it was relatively low. He reminded me of myself in my junior secondary school days, I smiled and just and continued watching the soccer game, or football as we called it.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Call To End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)!!

Call To End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)!!

Call To End Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)!!

Is female genital mutilation still happening now?

"Even if it is, it’s probably something that happens in those rural areas, not like in urban areas. Because I don’t think it is something educated people still practice"

Thursday, 24 August 2017


The thing about people is that they don’t care about who you really are, most care about who they want you to be. What do I mean?
The society paints this picture of who we are supposed to be, and instead of keeping true to ourselves, we end up molding ourselves according to societal standards.


 When u look around without the religious logs on your eyes, you’ll realize that half of the killings and wars around the world today are either caused by greed or religious teachings.
Don’t get me wrong cos I for one am a catholic and I believe in God, but I dislike a whole lot of religious teachings and i don't believe in those teachings.

Saturday, 28 January 2017

African Women Demand For The Best From Your Men!!

So I saw this annoying post asking if there are ladies of 20yrs who are still Virgins, now my question is... " do girls lose their virginity on their own? It's still the same stupid guys asking this rubbish that move around deceiving and having sex up and down with anything in skirts... 
Can we even find a boy of 15yrs that is still a Virgin?! ... Rubbish!! ....
As if keeping virginity is only for girls,...
This kind of thinking and mentality is what makes our grown up married men, think it's ok to go around and cheat, or to go around raping innocent girls, after they'll just blame the ladies... This just have to stop, enough is enough,....
Dear women
Please demand the same values u have from ur man, if are a good lady do not settle for anything less than  a gentleman that'll value and treat u right.
African women demand for the best from ur men, pls emulate the French and English women, they can't settle for less...
If u all unite and start demanding for the best from us men I bet u, we the men would Change for good....